数据库简述:A Comprehensive Collection of RNA Editing Events in Plant Organellar Genomes
数据库主要信息:The discovery of the RNA editing process in a wide range of organisms has challenged the classical view of a co-linear flow of genetic information from DNA via RNA to proteins, commonly referred to as the “central dogma” of molecular biology. RNA editing was initially described in trypanosomes where it modifies different mRNAs by the deletion and/or insertion of uridines in specific positions. Then, it has been also discovered in various organisms and generally classified in “insertion/deletion editing” (which involves the insertion or deletion of specific nucleotides) or “substitution editing” (which involves the change of a specific nucleotide). To date, different RNA editing types have been identified. Although evolutionary unrelated, they occur in the nucleus as well as in organelles of different organisms.To overcome these limitations, we developed REDIdb a specialized database for RNA editing modifications in plant organelles. Hereafter we describe its third release containing more than 26,000 events in a completely novel web interface to accommodate RNA editing in its genomics, biological and evolutionary context through whole genome maps and multiple sequence alignments. REDIdb is freely available at http://srv00.recas.ba.infn.it/redidb/index.html.
联系信息:Contact information
University of Bari Aldo Moro
Laboratory Of Bioinformatics And Comparative Genomics
Dept. Of Biosciences, Biotechnologies And Biopharmaceutics
University Of Bari “Aldo Moro”
Contact name (PI/Team):
Graziano Pesole
Contact email (PI/Helpdesk):